Mexico Itinerary—2 Weeks Bursting with the Best to See in Mexico

> March 07, 2023
Mexico Itinerary—2 Weeks Bursting with the Best to See in Mexico

When I decided to cram all of the must-see spots in Mexico into a mere two weeks, I knew I was in for a wild ride. I mean, you could easily spend a month there, and still have plenty to discover! 

But with some blood, sweat, and tequila, I managed to pull together the ultimate Mexico itinerary. So get ready, amigos, because this is not your average list of tourist traps. This is the real deal, and it's waiting for you!

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Map of the Mexico highlights, Mexico 2-week itinerary

You can check my Google Map list of places to see in two weeks in Mexico

This is the itinerary plan

Day 1: Mexico City + Teotihuacan (sleep in Mexico City) 
Day 2: Mexico City (sleep in Mexico City) 
Day 3: Tepozteco + Cholula (sleep in Puebla) 
Day 4: Puebla (sleep in Puebla) 
Day 5: Paso de Cortés hike (sleep in Mexico City) 
Day 6: Tuxtla Gutiérrez + El Aguacero (sleep in Tuxtla) 
Day 7: Canyon Sumidero (sleep in Comitán) 
Day 8: Lagunas de Montebello (sleep in Comitán) 
Day 9: Chiflón (sleep in Cancun) 
Day 10: Akumal + Cenote Cristalino (sleep in Tulum) 
Day 11: Tulum + Zona arqueológica de Coba (sleep in Tulum) 
Day 12: Laguna de Kaan Luum + Santuario de Cenotes (sleep in Tulum)  
Day 13: Chichen Itzá + Reserva Estatal Geohidrológica Anillo de Cenotes (sleep in Merida) 
Day 14: Uxmal + Merida (sleep in Merida) 

Day 1 of Mexico itinerary: Mexico City + Teotihuacan

Map of the first day stops in Mexico City

See the route of today’s itinerary on Google Maps

Main sites visited on day 1: El Zócalo, Catedral Metropolitana, The House of Tiles, Palacio de Bellas Artes, Alameda Central Park, Teotihuacan 
Restaurant tips: Barbacoa Los 3 Reyes | Pujol |Mari Gold 
Hotel recommendations: Downtown 
Further reading: 33 Mexico Travel Tips | 16 Things About Driving in Mexico | 14 Top Mexico City Places 

Day 1, stop 1: Mexico City

El Zócalo in Mexico City—Mexico 2-week itinerary

El Zócalo square in Mexico City

Mexico City is a huge pulsating metropolis with culture, history and nature surrounding you at every step. Don't even try to see it all in one day, because that's like trying to eat a whole burrito in one bite—impossible. We've got a jam-packed itinerary for two days, but if you're feeling adventurous (and you can get away with more time off work), you can stay for three.  

The heart of the city is called El Zócalo, a gigantic square built on the ruins of Tenochtitlan—as the whole historic part of the Mexico City. It's like a time machine, taking you back to the ancient civilization of the Aztecs. Another name for the square is Plaza se la Constitución and it’s where you'll find the Catedral Metropolitana de la Ciudad de México, a beautiful cathedral with impressive chapels and walls covered in golden details. 

Moving further, a 10-minute walk will get you to The House of Tiles (Casa de los Azulejos). Its unique façade made of blue and white tiles lures many tourists there and is one of the most popular places in Mexico City.

The House of Tiles in Mexico City—Mexico 2-week itinerary

The House of Tiles

Nobody knows for sure why it was built like this, but there are two plausible explanations: it was either meant to show off the family's wealth, or one of the family's bratty kids did it as an act of rebellion. I wouldn’t mind this kind of defiance from the kids in our family, to be honest. Go ahead, children, pimp my crib!  

If you're still up for some more culture, head over to the Palacio de Bellas Artes, a famous museum and home to many cultural institutions. Even the building itself is a work of art. You'll find temporary exhibitions, but don't miss the permanent exhibits of famous murals by Mexican artists. It's like a fiesta for your eyes. 

After you're done with admiring the palace, take a walk in Alameda Central Park and admire its fountains and statues. It's a perfect place to chill out for a while and grab a coffee. 

Day 1, stop 2: Teotihuacan

Teotihuacan—Mexico 2-week itinerary

Teotihuacan ruin

The second most famous Aztec city, right after Tenochtitlan, is Teotihuacan. The origins of the place are unknown as well as the cause of its doom. When the Aztecs discovered the place, it was already abandoned, so they named it Teotihuacan meaning “the place where the gods were created”

It's only 40 kilometers (25 miles), which equals an hour driving from Mexico City, but beware, it's going to take you at least 3–4 hours to see everything, so don't make any plans for the rest of the day. Teotihuacan was, after all, the largest city in the western hemisphere (in its prime)! 

There are two pyramids, one dedicated to the sun, the other to the moon.  

The Pyramid of the Sun is 220 meters (730 feet) wide, just like the Giza pyramid, but only about half as tall. It is terraced and if you're brave enough, you can climb it.  

The Pyramid of the Moon served as a place of public ritual sacrifice. You can climb it too, just don’t throw any kids or goats down there, okay?  

The two pyramids are connected by the Avenue of the Dead. It's a main street more than 1.5 km (0.9 miles) long that offers you a nice walk through the city. 

Hotel in Mexico City

Photos of hotel Downtown in Mexico City

Spend your nights in a fantastic hotel Downtown in Mexico City

In the historical center lies Downtown hotel, which is the best value for money in Mexico City. Very comfortable beds and delicious food. I had an amazing stay there, and if I’m to be trusted, you will, too. I mean I trust me and I was happy, so...   

Day 2 of Mexico itinerary: More of Mexico City

Map of the second day stops in Mexico City

See the route of today’s itinerary on Google Maps

Main sites visited on day 2: Frida Kahlo Museum, Chapultepec, The Angel of Independence, Monumento a la Revolución 
Restaurant tips: Barbacoa Los 3 Reyes | Pujol |Mari Gold 
Hotel recommendations: Downtown 
Further reading: Best Food in Mexico | 7 Best Aztec Ruins | 14 Top Mexico City Places 

You made it to day two of your Mexican adventure, congrats! One day isn't enough to soak up all the culture and beauty that Mexico City has to offer, but you already knew that.   

Day 2, stop 1: Frida Kahlo Museum 

So, feeling all cultured and knowledgeable, venture out from the city center to the Frida Kahlo Museum, because what's a trip to Mexico without some artsy stuff, am I right? You'll know you've found it when you see the blue façade--because, duh, it's called The Blue House for a reason. Once you step inside, you'll be hit with the same kind of colorful, surreal vibes that Frida's paintings are famous for. It's almost like you're in one of her masterpieces, except you're not as talented.  

Frida used to live in the house and painted most of her works there.  

Day 2, stop 2: Chapultepec 

The next stop is Chapultepec Park. Mexico City offers you way more than only a historical buildings and monuments, let's throw some nature into the mix. Chapultepec Park is almost like New York’s Central Park, but with less pretentious joggers. It's right in the city center, has a zoo, lakes, a castle and many museums, the popular National Museum of Anthropology included.  

You could spend your whole day there with no trouble. But don't get too comfortable in nature— you've got more monuments to visit, remember? After all, you can't spend your whole day lounging in a park like some kind of sloth.

The Angel of Independence in Mexico City

The Angel of iIdependence

Day 2, stop 3: The Angel of Independence + Monumento a la Revolución 

We've already seen a New York-like park, and now, hold onto your sombrero, you're about to see the Mexican version of the Statue of Liberty.  

The Angel of Independence is not only a classic tourist place, but you can also see locals hanging out on the stairs of the monument. It is a very beautiful place with lots of history.  

But wait, there's more! After a quick 20-minute stroll, you'll come across another historical monument - the Monumento a la Revolución. And let me tell you, it's not just a monument, it's a frikin behemoth. Seriously, you could fit like ten people inside that thing. It's big. And impressive. And, you know, historical and stuff. 

Day 3 of Mexico itinerary: Tepozteco + Cholula

Map of day 3 Mexico Itinerary

See the route of today’s itinerary on Google Maps

Main sites visited on day 3: Tepozteco, Cholula 
Restaurant tips: La Casa del Mendrugo | Comal 
Hotel recommendations: Banyan Tree Hotel 
Further reading: 16 Things About Driving in Mexico | 10 Top Places in Mexico | 7 Best Aztec Ruins  

Day 3, stop 1: Tepozteco

Tepozteco—Mexico 2-week itinerary

The Aztec temple in Tepozteco

Tepozteco is not only a historical trip, but also your substitute for a gym for the day. The Aztec temple lies on the hill above the Tepoztlán town, a pretty steep one! But first you have to get there! So, I'm about to advise you once again and probably never otherwise—excluding Belgium, I loved their trains and public transport in general!—rent a car. Find some not scammy-looking place, and use a verified and safe car rental company in Mexico City, hop in the car and in 1.5-hour—you're there! Well, almost... 

Be ready to climb up the slope and crawl over rocks and tree roots. Now it sounds like an adventure from Rivendell to Mordor to destroy a ring, but it won't take you that long. The path is 1.5 km long (0.9 mile) with an elevation gain of 300 meters (984 feet). 

Now, the temple itself may not have a lot of chambers (just two), but the hike to the top is worth it. You get to see some of the most breathtaking views imaginable. And to think, Tepozteco was built to honor the god of pulque—an alcoholic beverage traditionally made in central Mexico. The ancient ways never cease to amaze me.   

The parking at Tepozteco is a pain in the piñata, so here’s a tip: Get there early. If the parking lot is full, don't be surprised if you have to park on someone's lawn. A few pesos and some trampled flowers later, and you're good to go. That’s what we did. Plus, you can reward yourself with some delicious food after your workout at the fantastic restaurants down in the village.   

  • Opening hours: daily 9 am–6 pm 
  • Tickets: 55 pesos (2.75 USD dollars)

Day 3, stop 2: Cholula

The Great Pyramid of Cholula—Mexico 2-week itinerary

The Great Pyramid of Cholula

Cholula is another paradise for all history lovers and explorers of Mexico’s ancient cultures. It’s the oldest still-inhabited village in Mexico full of true ancient gems. For example, the largest pyramid in the world. No big deal.  

The Great Pyramid of Cholula (Tlachihualtepetl) is the largest pyramid ever built—as far as we know. Nowadays, you probably wouldn’t say it’s a pyramid when looking at it. It looks like... a hill.  

As everything wrong that you come across in Mexico, it's the work of Spaniards! Thanks, conquistadors, for covering it in soil and building a cathedral on top. At least the archeological site offers plenty of other interesting things to explore, like tunnels, ruins, museums, and churches.

The Cholula village—Mexico 2-week itinerary

Our Lady of Remedies Church in Cholula

You can spend many hours there, but you should be fine with 2–3 hours for a visit. Parking is a breeze here, so no need to worry about trampling anyone's flowers. 

Hotel in Puebla

I recommend staying at the Banyan Tree Hotel in Puebla. It’s in a great location and close to the stops planned for tomorrow. That rooftop pool ain’t too shabby, either!  

Day 4 of Mexico itinerary: Puebla

Map of Puebla route

See the route of today’s itinerary on Google Maps

Main sites visited on day 4: Cathedral de Puebla, Chapel of the Rosario, Cuexcomate 
Restaurant tips: La Casa del Mendrugo | Comal 
Hotel recommendations: Banyan Tree Hotel 
Further reading: 10 Top Places in Mexico| 10 Best Hikes in Mexico | 7 Best Aztec Ruins  

Day 4, stop 1: City center

Catedral de Puebla—Mexico 2-week itinerary

Catedral de Puebla

Puebla is a vibrant city full of colors and interesting history. You're in for a real treat if you're looking to explore narrow streets, colorful colonial houses, diverse people, cozy cafés and restaurants—all within walking distance. That's right, folks, you can see everything on foot in Puebla! 

Right in Zócalo de Puebla is the Catedral de Puebla. This magnificent cathedral took 74 years to build, and you can see they gave it their best shot. The interior is decorated with so many ornaments, statues, and paintings, you'll feel like you're in a museum, but a sky daddy looking over you!  

But wait, there's more! Don't forget to visit Palacio Municipal, Palacio de Gobierno, and H. Ayuntamiento de Puebla (city government office).  

Day 4, stop 2: Chapel of the Rosario

Chapel of the Rosario in Puebla—Mexico 2-week itinerary

The gold interior of Chapel of the Rosario

Now get ready to be blown away by the Chapel of the Rosario, the best place to see in Puebla. Some say it's the eighth world wonder, and I'm not one to argue with them. It's on a completely different level than any other chapel I’ve ever seen in my life. 

The interior is literally dripping in gold. When I was in the chapel, it felt calm and peaceful—all that bling might’ve temporarily blinded me. And best of all, it's completely free! 

  • Opening hours: Tuesday to Sunday 11 am–1:30 pm and 3:30 pm–5:30 pm 
  • Entrance for free

Day 4, stop 3: World's smallest volcano

Cuexcomate in Puebla—Mexico 2-week itinerary

The Cuexcomate geyser

Finally, get ready to visit the world's smallest volcano –or should I say, inactive geyser? It sounds much less like a tourist magnet that way. That's right, Cuexcomate may not be a volcano after all, but who cares?  

It's only 13 m (42 feet) tall, and a staircase leads down to its core. It's like descending into the center of the earth, just without the hot lava. If you walk in, the worst thing that can happen to you is getting drunk and listening to Mexican music. Cultural events are held in the geyser, cool right?  Now, that's what I call a true tourist magnet! 

Day 5 of Mexico itinerary: Paso de Cortés hike

Map of day 5 Mexico Itinerary

See the route of today’s itinerary on Google Maps

Main sites visited on day 5: Paso de Cortés  
Restaurant tips: Barbacoa Los 3 Reyes | Pujol |Mari Gold 
Hotel recommendations: Downtown 
Further reading: 10 Top Places in Mexico| 10 Best Hikes in Mexico | 5 Top Mayan Cities  

It's time to lace up your hiking boots and strap on your backpacks because we're heading to the most popular hiking destination in all of Mexico—Itza Popo National Park

Hiking under the shadow of Popocatépetl, Mexico's second-highest mountain (5,428 m / 17,802 ft), is a once-in-a-lifetime experience that you simply can't miss. Trust me, we arrived at Izta Popo with expectations higher than the mountain itself, but the scenery was even more thrilling than we could have imagined. 

Now, before we get into the nitty-gritty of the hike, let me give you a quick heads. This is not a walk in the park. The altitude can make even the easiest trails a bit of a challenge and leave you feeling a little lightheaded with altitude sickness.  

So, if you're not feeling up for it, there's no shame in sitting this one out. Trust me, you'll still get to enjoy the marvelous surroundings by car. Here are some tips about driving in Mexico.  

But, if you're up for the challenge, then let's get to it! 

Paso de Cortés hike (see the legendary Popocatépetl)

Paso de Cortés hike in Puebla—Mexico 2-week itinerary

Paso de Cortés

  • Difficulty: easy  
  • Length: 15.3 kilometers (9.5 miles)  
  • Elevation gain: 316 meters (1,037 feet)

This trail starts in the parking lot. After paying the entrance fee of 50 pesos (2.5 USD), you will set off towards La Joya on a wide dirty road, occasionally meeting cars. The road is mostly flat and offers almost surreal views of the national park and its peaks. After you get to La Joya, you will turn back and head to Paso de Cortés again.   

Tip: You can make your trip a bit harder. After La Joya, you can climb part of the steep slope of Iztaccíhuatl and then turn the same way back to La Joya when you’ve had enough.  

The distance from Paso de Cortés to La Joya and back is 15.3 kilometers (9.5 miles); the rest—climbing a bit of Iztaccíhuatl—depends purely on how much you’re willing to walk. The route is well signed, lined with resting places.  

After the hike I recommend driving back to Mexico City, where you can spend the night. The next morning take a flight to our next destination, Tuxtla. 

Day 6 of Mexico itinerary: Tuxtla + El Aguacero

Map of day 6 stops, Mexico itinerary

See the stops of today’s itinerary on Google Maps

Main sites visited on day 6: The Regional Museum of Chiapas, Faustino Miranda Botanical Garden, St. Mark’s Cathedral, El Aguacero 
Restaurant tips: Cafe Bar 500 Noches Tuxtla | Las Pichanchas | La Mansion 
Hotel recommendations: Mariott Tuxtla Gutiérrez Hotel 
Further reading: Best Food in Mexico | 12 Facts About Mexico | 33 Mexico Travel Tips  

After you get to Tuxtla by morning flight, spend the first part of the day hiking in beautiful El Aguacero and the second half discovering the city. When you arrive at the airport, the first thing you do is to rent a car. And again, verified car rental with payment at the spot—check out my tips on how not to get scammed while renting a car! 

Day 6, stop 1: El Aguacero

El Aguacero in Mexico—Mexico 2-week itinerary

El Aguacero

When you drive to El Aguacero, don’t let yourself to be scared off by the hell of a road leading there. It will be bumpy, dirty, and full of potholes... You'll be asking yourself a question “how can this lead to any tourist attraction”, I sure did. But probably for the first time in my life, I don’t have an answer to this question. Read more about driving in Mexico.  

After the drive, the reward comes. Well, maybe a bit later. First you have to fight your way through the jungle in 30 °C (86 °F) and try not to be eaten alive by mosquitoes. Bring repellent—that's the key to survival.

El Aguacero waterfalls hike

Me taking the stairs to El Aguacero waterfall

Once you overcome all these Spartan race-worthy obstacles, you’ll get to a canyon with a warm river in which you can bathe. The river will lead you to the most beautiful waterfall, El Aguacero. It's a very photogenic place you'll instantly fall in love with. You will even forget how challenging the hike was. When we were climbing up the stairs, some of the folks looked truly... on their edge. I would consider it moderate level, but those walking sweeting red tomatoes? Who knows. 

Day 6, stop 2: Tuxtla city

Tuxtla Gutiérrez in Chiapas—Mexico 2-week itinerary

Tuxtla Gutiérrez

I started by visiting one of the many museums in this historically rich region. Museo Regional de Antropología e Historia de Chiapas showcases over 200 fossils. A few of them are even older than dinosaurs. The museum is divided into three parts, each one of them being dedicated to a different historical time frame—prehistory and ancient cultures, the history after the Spanish conquest, and temporary exhibits. 

Are you missing nature already? I get it. The big rush of the city can be forgotten by entering the jungle right in the center of the city. Faustino Miranda Botanical Garden is full of cactuses, cycads, palms, orchids and many other plants you didn’t even know existed. On the walk through the garden, you'll see many endemic and endangered species from Chiapas. Or just walk around and enjoy the calm atmosphere and clean air. Up to you. 

When you recharge your batteries in the garden, it's time to visit the best place in Tuxtla, at least on my list. St. Mark’s Cathedral is the most prominent landmark in the city only a 15-minute walk from the botanical garden. The white walls of the Cathedral, remnants of frescos, and 48 bells that ring every hour attract many visitors from all around the world. The Cathedral is in perfect condition with beautiful stained-glass windows brightening up the interior. 

Hotel in Tuxtla

HWe enjoyed our stay at Mariott Tuxtla Gutiérrez Hotel. Great location, nice hotel gym—one of a few we've been to, pool, and tasty breakfast. What else could you wish for? And have you seen the atrium? Basically, the whole lobby is outside, which I've found super intriguing! 

Day 7 of Mexico itinerary: Canyon Sumidero

Map of day 7 Mexico Itinerary

See the route of today’s itinerary on Google Maps

Main sites visited on day 7: Canyon Sumidero 
Restaurant tips: Árbol de la Vida  
Hotel recommendations: City Express Comitán 
Further reading: Best Food in Mexico | 10 Best Hikes in Mexico | Sumidero Canyon National Park 

The seventh day of this Mexico Itinerary is all about one stop. The trip to Sumidero Canyon is worth your whole day, and it would be a shame to spend just a few hours there. Don't be cheap now, spend the admission fee of 34 pesos (a whopping 1.75 USD) because what you're about to see will knock your socks off!  

How to get to Sumidero Canyon National Park?

Canyon Sumidero—Mexico 2-week itinerary

Canyon Sumidero

So, how to get there? Let me give you options. You can take the easy route and drive there, the road is called Al Sumidero and you can't miss it... unless you're blind, of course. But who wants to be ordinary like that? Take a boat from Chiapa de Corzo instead, and arrive in style. Take a (cheap) cab to get to the boats. 

Canyon Sumidero Attractions 

I hear you, the canyon itself is the biggest attraction, of course. But there are 4 extra things that just stuck in my memory.  

Have you heard about seasonal waterfalls? No? Well, let me enlighten you. They only come out during the rainy season, when there’s enough water to bring out the magic. The most famous one is Árbol de Navidad, or “a Christmas tree” due to its resemblance of one! Too bad the rainy season doesn’t coincide with Christmas. At least now you know what it’s like to celebrate Christmas in Australia.

The Cave of Colours, Canyon Sumidero in Mexico

The Cave of Colours

Make sure you also stop at the miradors (viewpoints) along the way. Take some selfies and show off to your friends how adventurous you are.  

Another stop-worthy attraction is The Cave of Colors. The unusual pink color is caused by minerals—potassium and magnesium. It used to be just a cave, but now it's a chapel. You can even climb up to it using a ladder straight from the boat. Who knew you could be so holy while being a daredevil?  

And I can't forget Chicoasén Dam, which is a dam, yes. But it's pretty impressive. 

You can hike Sumidero Canyon, and there are different levels for all you pansies out there. But if you're feeling extra, go ahead and hike the whole way from Chiapa de Corzo. Just make sure you don't come back crawling on all fours.  

Overall, Sumidero Canyon is definitely worth the hype. Just be prepared to be amazed and a little bit sore the next day. But hey, who needs functioning legs when you have bragging rights? 

Hotel in Comitán

The best place to stay in Comitán, in my opinion, is the City Express Comitán. Well, the only reasonable place, I would rather say. It’s in a very good location with amazing staff working there. Super clean and convenient. Super great for resting those over-hiked legs, too! 

Day 8 of Mexico itinerary: Lagunas de Montebello

Map of day 8 Mexico Itinerary

See the route of today’s itinerary on Google Maps

Main sites visited on day 8: Lagunas de Montebello 
Restaurant tips: Árbol de la Vida  
Hotel recommendations: City Express Comitán 
Further reading: 33 Mexico Travel Tips | 16 Things About Driving in Mexico | 10 Best Hikes in Mexico  

Today, you’ll be going on a... wait for it... day trip! Yes, again! This time to Lagunas de Montebello. 

We're heading to Lagunas de Montebello, a national park that's basically a unicorn's dream come true. You've got crystal-clear lakes, underground rivers, and a forest so rich in pine trees, you'll feel like you're in a Christmas movie. And let's not forget about the stunning limestone rocks, the special red moss (yes, it's special, okay?), and the underwater caves that are so clear, you could see your own reflection in them.

Lagunas de Montebello—Mexico 2-week itinerary

Lagunas de Montebello

The area is vast, and only about 15 of the lakes are easily accessible by car or on foot. The closest you can get to the water is on a raft, so of course I couldn’t miss this opportunity. What is a Mexican trip without a little adventure?  There are guides waiting to take you on long, narrow rafts made of 5 connecting logs and to show you the lakes from the closest angle possible. 

If you don’t want to be a cool paddler on the lake, you can be an awesome hiker in the park. The admission fee is very cheap. There are plenty of guides waiting by the entrance, and I suggest you take one. The tracks are very poorly marked, and you can get lost easily. 

It's like a fairy tale come to life, except instead of fairies, you've got mosquitoes. Lots and lots of mosquitoes. That's just nature's way of saying, "Hello, welcome to my home, please enjoy my bugs.” Don’t forget to pack repellent with you to save yourself from their pointy little suckers. 

  • Opening hours: 24/7 
  • Price: 25 pesos (1.25 USD)

Day 9 of Mexico itinerary: El Chiflón

Map of day 9 Mexico Itinerary

See the route of today’s itinerary on Google Maps

Main sites visited on day 9: El Chiflón 
Restaurant tips: Porfirio's | Peter's Restaurante | El Oasis 
Hotel recommendations: Fiesta Americana Condesa Cancun 
Further reading10 Top Places in Mexico| 10 Best Hikes in Mexico | 12 Best Places in Chiapas 

Okay, maybe when I said El Aguacero is the most beautiful waterfall ever, I didn’t know this place would come next on the itinerary. Even though El Aguacero is so breathtaking and gorgeous, El Chiflón is kicking its watery ass.  

It’s a series of waterfalls, roaring and spraying you with water as you stand nearby. Comes in handy with those temperatures (and as a bonus, no mosquitoes!). A path winds along the riverbank and gradually shows you the cascades, each better than the previous one. After several smaller cascades, the path will finally lead you to the big boss. Cascada Velo de Novia comes crashing down 80 meters (260 feet) into a turquoise-colored pool and offers breathtaking/scary showcase of nature's undeniable strength. Test your limits and climb up to see the waterfall from above, I dare you.

El Chiflón—Mexico 2-week itinerary

El Chiflón waterfalls

And if that’s not enough for you, you can dive into the waters of adrenaline and zip-line the cascades! There are two lines to choose from: 300 and 600 meters (985 and 1,970 feet) long. The paths both run along the river, but there is no bridge.  

So, when you pick the side at the beginning you have to stick to it until the very end. Choose wisely, my friend, you shall not pass... to the other side. But both paths are alright, even the left one. They both offer equally picturesque views. 

  • Google maps link 
  • Opening hours: daily 7:30 am–5 pm 
  • Price: 50 Mexican pesos (2.5 USD) 

I would recommend spending at least 5 hours there, so get there early in the morning. Afterwards I suggest you drive to Tuxtla and catch a flight to Cancún. In case you don't know it (really?!), it's a city on the Yucatán peninsula, and it’s where you'll spend the rest of this 2 weeks Mexico Itinerary. 

Hotel in Cancún

Photos of Fiesta Americana Condesa Cancun

Staying in Fiesta Americana Condesa Cancun hotel truly is true siesta

If you're feeling a little worse for wear after all the day trips on this Mexico itinerary, fear not! Fiesta Americana Condesa Cancun is a perfect place to catch up on some much-needed R&R.  

Head straight to the hotel pool to soak up some sun, and then have some wonderful food at the restaurant. Whether it's the authentic Mexican dishes or the international cuisine, you'll be transported to culinary heaven with every bite. I have zero complaints, but that’s just because I know when to stop eating, otherwise I might’ve been in trouble.  

Day 10 of Mexico itinerary: Akumal + Cenote Cristalino

Map of day 10 Mexico Itinerary

See the route of today’s itinerary on Google Maps

Main sites visited on day 10: Akumal, Cenote Cristalino 
Restaurant tips: Safari Comedor | Gitano Jungle| Verdant 
Hotel recommendations: Hotel Bardo 
Further reading: 9 Top Places in Yucatán | 10 Top Places in Mexico| 5 Top Mayan Cities  

Day 10, stop 1: Akumal

The city of Akumal—2 week-itinerary in Mexico


First off, rent a car that would drive you now till the rest of our trip. You can do so at the airport, check the payment methods, and so on, you already know the drill! And then only 1 hour and 20 minutes of driving stands between you and one of the most extraordinary feelings you can experience. People already bore you and you've had enough of them for a while, right? It's time to swap humans for turtles and swim with them!  

Snorkel along the green sea turtles, they are used to being with people and will let you come super close to them. I guarantee it will become the highlight of your Yucatán peninsula trip.  

Are you afraid you are not experienced enough to dive? Snorkeling is suitable even for beginners, there are no big waves as the bay is protected by a reef. There is a parking lot near Akumal Dive Shop. Leave the car there and get to the beach by walking through the Shop. You'll pay 6 USD dollars for entrance. 

Once you get to the beach, you’ll spot more vendors renting snorkels and other equipment than mosquitos in the jungle. I recommend arriving as early as possible; unless you want to swim among tourists instead of turtles. Be careful, many scammers will try to prove you otherwise, but you can still snorkel on your own. You can get a guide if you want, but it's not mandatory! 

Day 10, stop 2: Cenote Cristaliano 

Because it is better to be in Akumal in the morning, we have to head back north a bit. About 20 minutes by car there is Cenote Cristalino, perfect for snorkeling through its depths. If you didn’t get enough of them before, you’ll appreciate a little swim with a few turtle buddies that live in the waters! If you are lucky, though. Who am I kidding, how could you ever have enough?  

But who will rush to welcome you the second you put your foot in the water are the little fish biting teeny weeny pieces of your skin off. It feels strange at first, but after a while you'll get used to it.  

Hotel in Tulum

Photos of Hotel Bardo

Luxury in the jungle is staying at Hotel Bardo

Amazing, paradise-like, cozy. That's how I would describe our stay at Hotel Bardo. Make no mistake, the place is very luxurious and modern with a great location in the center, on the other hand, you feel like you are in the middle of a jungle. The staff took exceptional care of us and made our stay even more memorable. 

Day 11 of Mexico itinerary: Tulum + Zona arqueológica de Coba

Map of day 11 Mexico Itinerary

See the route of today’s itinerary on Google Maps

Main sites visited on day 11: Tulum, Zona arqueológica de Coba 
Restaurant tips: Safari Comedor | Gitano Jungle| Verdant 
Hotel recommendations: Hotel Bardo 
Further reading10 Top Places in Mexico| 10 Best Hikes in Mexico | 5 Top Mayan Cities  

Day 11, stop 1: Tulum

The city of Tulum in Yucatán, Mexico

Mayan ruins in the city of Tulum

Tulum is probably the top Mayan city in Mexico, no arguing with that. It used to be the main port in the region and an important trading center. From the money the city has built many gorgeous monuments, now beautiful ruins. Knowing this, you guessed right—it's overflowing with tourists. 

The hype that Tulum gets also results in prices higher than Cholula pyramid and parking situation worse than your scariest nightmare. Be ready for that and prepare yourself with nerves of steel and a wallet of gold

The ruins are right above the sandy beaches, which adds to the attraction, as does the surrounding jungle. Even though I mentioned how expensive the actual city is, the ticket price to get into the ruins is only USD 4. Ironic, right?  

  • Price: 80 Mexican pesos (4 US dollars)

You can't leave the visit of the city only to the ruins, that would be a sin! Because in Tulum I saw probably the most gorgeous beaches in the world. The turquoise waters of the Caribbean Sea and clean sandy beaches got my attention immediately. You won't resist for long either and will be in the sea faster that you can say sea turtle.  

Day 11, stop 2: Zona arqueológica de Coba

Mayan city’s Nohoch Mul Pyramid—Yucatán itinerary, Mexico

The 42 meters tall Nohoch Mul Pyramid in Coba

When you have had enough beach time, drive to another Mayan ruin. Only 45 minutes of driving west and you are at Coba. Leave the car at this parking lot

Tall temples looking over Laguna Cobá and Laguna Macanxoc will make you do a few oohs and aahs. The whole area of the Mayan city expands to 80 square kilometers (30 square miles) of the jungle with its temples, pyramids, and clusters of houses.    

It's time to pump a little bit of adrenaline through your veins! Climb one of the highest Mayan pyramids in the world, Nohoch Mul Pyramid, which is 42 meters (137 feet) tall and offers a helping hand to all adventurous tourists—a rope, hanging down the stairs to help you get up.  

  • Opening hours: daily 8 am—5 pm  
  • Price: 80 Mexican pesos (4 US dollars)

Day 12 of Mexico itinerary: Laguna de Kaan Luum + Santuario de Cenotes

Map of day 12 Mexico Itinerary

See the route of today’s itinerary on Google Maps

Main sites visited on day 12: Laguna de Kaan Luum, Santuario de Cenotes  
Restaurant tips: Safari Comedor | Gitano Jungle| Verdant 
Hotel recommendations: Hotel Bardo 
Further reading: Best Food in Mexico | 9 Top Places in Yucatán | 10 Top Places in Mexico 

Day 12, stop 1: Laguna de Kaan Luum

Laguna de Kaan Luum—Mexico’s 2-week itinerary

Laguna de Kaan Luum

You've been all over the place for the past 12 days of this itinerary, and your wheels are tired, right? Lucky for you, there’s plenty of amazing spots to explore clost to Tulum, so you'll only be doing a little bit of driving today. It's time to give your rental car a much-needed break before it starts asking for vacation time! 

Laguna de Kaan Luum is only 15 minutes (11 km / 6.8 miles) of driving away from Tulum. The lagoon is huge, it looks more like a lake with pure turquoise water on the edges with a dark blue spot in the center. The middle of Laguna de Kaan Luum is so deep that visitors are not allowed to swim in there. 

Because the lagoon is that big, it doesn’t feel overcrowded. You can enjoy your day's rest without being surrounded by sweaty tourists and enjoy a nice experience. 

Day 12, stop 2: Santuario de Cenotes

Santuario de Cenotes by the city of Tulum—Mexico itinerary

Santuario de Cenotes

For the next stop, drive a little further south. In15 minutes (17 km / 10.5 miles) you’ll arrive at Santurio de Cenotes. It's another wonderful place away from crowds, where you have the cenotes basically just for yourself.  

The two cenotes that are open to the public are hidden in a jungle. They are probably the most beautiful and natural cenotes we've swam in. 

More cenotes on this trip... and we’re not even done yet! My itinerary is full of cenotes and your vacation shouldn’t be any different. If you don’t know it yet, cenotes are a unique natural phenomenon in Yucatán. They are sinkholes filled with water, and swimming in them is something you just need to do to make your day even better

Day 13 of Mexico itinerary: Chichen Itzá + Reserva Estatal Geohidrológica Anillo de Cenotes

Map of day 13 Mexico Itinerary

See the route of today’s itinerary on Google Maps

Main sites visited on day 13: Chichen Itzá, Reserva Estatal Geohidrológica Anillo de Cenotes  
Restaurant tips: La Chaya Maya | Taquería de La Unión | Mercado Lucas De Galvéz 
Hotel recommendations: Casa Lecanda Boutique Hotel  
Further reading9 Top Places in Yucatán | 5 Top Mayan Cities | Chichén Itzá Tips  

Day 13, stop 1: Chichen Itzá

The Temple of Kukulcán in the city of Chichén Itzá in Yucatán, Mexico

Chichen Itzá—The Temple of Kukulcán

It has finally come—the last big drive in this itinerary! First stop: Chichén Itzá, the gem of Yucatán and one of the 7 New Wonders of the World. To get there from Tulum, prepare for 2 hours (149 km / 92.5 miles) of driving. Two measly hours? No problemo, you got this. 

Chichén Itzá was one of the largest cities of Mayan times, so adjust your time budget to it. Ideally, you should spend about 3 hours there. There are so many incredible monuments and buildings you can explore. But make sure not to miss these main attractions.  

The most famous pyramid in Chichén Itzá is called El Castillo (The Castle) and known more as The Temple of Kukulcán. You'll practically feel the ancient energy coursing through your veins as you stare up at the 30-meter (98 feet) high pyramid. Unfortunately, you can’t climb it.  

The next site you stop by is The Colonnade, which is a thousand columns with carvings of people, gods and snakes on them. You can stare at those, too.

The Great Ball Court in Chichén Itzá—Yucatán itinerary, Mexico

The Great Ball Court

Next, like every Mayan city, Chichén Itzá also has to have a field for tlachtli, old Mayan ball game. The field there is called The Great Ball Court and it's simply gigantic. The next stop may sound a little scary. But Platform of the Skulls is only a display of carved heads in the wall of the dead to memorize them. Not the actual ones, that’s too much even for Mexicans

Every year, about 2.6 million tourists visit Chichén Itzá. And 2.6 million tourists don’t go without queues, for sure. Long, tedious queues, to be more precise. You can skip them by booking your tickets online

  • Price: 610 Mexican pesos (32 US dollars)

Day 13, stop 2: Reserva Estatal Geohidrológica Anillo de Cenotes

Anillo de Cenotes in Reserva Estatal Geohidrológica in Yucatán, Mexico

Swimming in the Anillo de Cenotes in Reserva Estatal Geohidrológica was an unforgettable experience

A couple of beautiful cenotes for swimming or just adoring—if you're afraid—are in Reserva Estatal Geohidrológica Anillo de Cenotes two hours from your previous stop. The water there is much warmer than you would expect and so clear that you can see little fish jiggling in there. 

Swimming is safe (in designated locations, obviously), the only thing that might slightly scare you is the depth of the water. Cenotes are often more than 60 meters (200 feet) deep. And I get that the feeling of being in a dark cave and a deep mass of water lying under you is not for everyone. But otherwise, it’s just perfect. And healthy as well! The water is full of minerals and your skin will be as soft as a baby's bottom. This is a skincare routine I could get used to! 

For a few pesos you can get a guided tour of the Cenotes from the locals, which I highly recommend. They show you the best way to get there and will teach you many interesting facts about the place and Mayan culture. 

Hotel in Merida

Photos of Casa Lecanda Boutique Hotel in Merida

Staying in Casa Lecanda Boutique Hotel is an amazing experience

Merida will be your last trip base. I like to stay at hotels up to my standard of spacious, clean rooms with comfortable beds and a nice fresh breakfast. And Casa Lecanda Boutique Hotel checked all the boxes. And the hotel pool is a nice benefit, too! 

Day 14 of Mexico itinerary: Uxmal + Merida

Map of day 14 Mexico Itinerary

See the route of today’s itinerary on Google Maps

Main sites visited on day 14: Uxmal, Merida 
Restaurant tips: La Chaya Maya | Taquería de La Unión | Mercado Lucas De Galvéz 
Hotel recommendations: Casa Lecanda Boutique Hotel  
Further reading: 10 Top Places in Mexico| 10 Best Hikes in Mexico | 5 Top Mayan Cities  

Day 14, stop 1: Uxmal

Uxmal in Yucatán, Mexico

Uxmal’s main pyramid

Wake up early to enjoy the last day! Only an hour away from Merida is the last archeological site of this itinerary. Don’t cry, or I will too! Let's enjoy it at none other than Uxmal.  

Uxmal is a one of many Mayan cities in Mexico, but I would say it's one of a kind. And not only because Star Wars was shot there! That's just a nerdy bonus. The main pyramid is the tallest structure in the city—about 35 meters/115 feet high. It differs from other Mayan pyramids with its elliptical base and rounded sides, which makes it unique.  

Uxmal's buildings are built in typical Puuc style: smooth walls, columns, detailed cut stones (stucco) reliefs representing snakes. The large complex will take you about 2 hours to explore. You unfortunately can't climb up the highest pyramid, but you can basically discover everything else inside and out. And the best views of the city are from the Grand Pyramid

  • Opening hours: daily 8 am—5 pm  
  • Price: 495 Mexican pesos (26 US dollars)

Day 14, stop 2: Merida

City of Merida—Mexico itinerary

City of Merida

The last stop of this itinerary is in Merida, the capital city of Yucatán. It's a big city with many cultural and architectural gems. The ideal way to feel the atmosphere of the city is to stroll through the streets, and just enjoy the wonderful squares, cathedrals and colorful houses. And if you also can't survive your day without a good cup of coffee, you'll love Merida's cozy cafés. 

You don't have to run a food blog to enjoy bustling markets full of Mexican food with local fruits and vegetables. In the center of Merida visit Mercado Lucas De Galvéz. It’s a renowned market offering everything from food to handcrafted items, clothes, and many other things you didn’t even think you could need.

Plaza Grande in Merida, Mexico

Plaza Grande

The heart of the city is Plaza Grande. A square lined with many spectacular buildings such as The Cathedral of Mérida, the City Hall, or the Government Palace of the State of Yucatán. But just a few meters away as a contrast is Parque de Santa Lucia, a piece of lush vegetation in the middle of the city with nice restaurants and famous huge white chairs.

Alright, let's face it. This Mexico itinerary is the stuff of legends. I mean, it's got everything you could possibly want in a vacation. From the rich history and culture of Mexico City to the natural wonders of Sumidero Canyon, this itinerary will have you feeling like a world-traveler in no time. So, what are you waiting for? Book that trip to Mexico and experience all of it for yourself!

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About me

About me

Hi! I’m Jan. I live in Prague, Czech Republic. I try to experience the best the world has to offer, and I don’t cease to be impressed. But if I’m not, I’m sure going to tell you! You can count on my full honesty and real opinions here. No bullcrap. I own and run several companies, which gives me great (but not unlimited) freedom to roam the world.  

I was first inspired to start this blog by my own experience of researching for upcoming trips—I often struggle with a lack of good information, accuracy, and authenticity of resources. You wouldn’t believe how many “travel bloggers” don’t even visit the destinations they write about! 

My goal with this blog is to provide you with complex and practical information so that you can plan your own vacation, complete with insights you’d only get if you visited the place. I also put together itineraries that are fully planned out trip guides.

Another aspect that drives this platform is my curiosity about the history, geography, politics, and economy of each country I visit, so I try to include this information in my articles, too. It’s always great to get the bigger picture, right? 

And just to be clear, I am not trying to compete with backpacking blogs or provide hacks for an economical and affordable experience. My vacations follow the standard pattern of traveling by plane, staying in good hotels, and renting a car on the spot to get around. I’m also always up for a fantastic meal, though I don’t shy away from local delicacies and street food, either.  

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